Lululemon Athletica inc. | Report on slaughter methods used to procure down at Lululemon Athletica inc.

6.77% votes in favour
AGM date
Previous AGM date
Proposal number
Resolution details
Company ticker
Resolution ask
Report on or disclose
ESG theme
  • Environment
  • Social
ESG sub-theme
  • Animal welfare
Type of vote
Shareholder proposal
Filer type
Company sector
Consumer Discretionary
Company HQ country
Resolved clause
lululemon has pledged to uphold “strong animal welfare practices.” Given the cruelty inherent in the down industry, the board is strongly urged to commission a report on the slaughter methods used to procure down to determine whether these methods align with that pledge. The report should also address the risks presented by the company’s sourcing of down that are incompatible with the animal welfare practices and the company’s plans, if any, to mitigate these risks.
Supporting statement
lululemon has laid out a “holistic … strategy” in its “2020 Impact Agenda: Be Human. Be Well. Be Planet.” Responsible sourcing represents a key part of the company’s “Be Planet” strategy. Regarding animal-derived materials, lululemon asserts, “We require that animals in our supply chain are treated humanely and with respect.” In an effort to ensure this, lululemon relies on the Responsible Down Standard (RDS). Down, however, is always the product of cruelty, regardless of any standard. Down comes from birds who endure a lifetime of captivity where they may not be able to engage in natural behaviors such as swimming. Upon arrival at slaughterhouses, they are often hung upside down, they’re electroshocked, their throats are slit, and their bodies are dumped into scalding water for defeathering. PETA entities have investigated “responsible” and “humane” suppliers repeatedly and across multiple animal industries. Time and again, they have found that standards may reduce some suffering but do not eliminate cruelty. PETA Asia investigations connected RDS-certified suppliers with live plucking, in which workers rip feathers from conscious birds’ bodies. Workers even admitted to mislabeling the down to fool customers. In another exposé of a down farm marketed as humane, workers herded geese into corners where they trampled and crushed each other. Geese were then grabbed by the neck and thrown into crates so small that they could not hold their heads up during transport to slaughter. Some geese were left in filthy cages for up to 24 hours without food or water. More and more consumers are prioritizing corporate transparency and cruelty-free fashion. lululemon’s consumer base expects our company to uphold values such as mindfulness and honesty touted on its website. Consequently, our shareholders deserve full disclosure on the slaughter methods used to obtain down in order to assess whether or not these methods align with our company’s humane claims and values. Accordingly, we urge all shareholders to support this ethically and economically responsible resolution.

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