Consultation: Fair Reward Framework

1 member

The Fair Reward Framework (FRF) has been developed by a group of 11 asset owners to help assess how value creation is rewarded within a company. We now invite your feedback on the proposed indicators.

Full details available as links at top of this page:

The consultation is open until Monday 23 October 2023.

Collaboration details

The draft Fair Reward Framework is still subject to change: we are inviting asset managers and asset owners to share your views on the proposed indicators and whether this framework will aid you in your stewardship duties.

We are also inviting views from companies and other stakeholders, but investors are a primary audience for the resulting framework so please do take this opportunity to share your views via the online survey:

Beyond the basic information about you as a respondent there are just three mandatory questions, but also ample opportunity to share deeper feedback on particular aspects of the draft framework if you wish to do so.


The intention behind the Fair Reward Framework (FRF) is to promote and inform meaningful conversations between a company and its stakeholders, which can ultimately lead to outcomes that have broad benefits for the company’s culture, governance, strategy and success.

By bringing together a range of indicators the FRF's objective is to bring more insight into how those contributing to a company's value creation are rewarded. It is divided into three main sections: Company characteristics – Pay scrutiny process – Reward outcomes.

Although the FRF will focus during its pilot year on FTSE100 companies, our interests in fair reward are not limited to this market. We warmly invite respondents with an outlook on other jurisdictions to share their views, both on the proposed indicators and on how the framework might be adapted in future.

Created on
ESG theme
  • Social
  • Governance
ESG sub-theme
  • Decent work
  • Diversity, equity & inclusion (DEI)
  • Remuneration or pay
  • Tax
Sustainable Development Goal
  • 8 - Decent work & economic growth
  • 10 - Reduced inequalities
  • Global
Asset class
Listed Equities