BLACKROCK, INC. | Review 2023 proxy voting record and proxy voting policies related to climate change
How other organisations have declared their voting intentions
Organisation name | Declared voting intentions | Rationale |
PGGM Investments | For | BlackRock undertakes its voting and engagement activities with a focus on advancing its clients’ long-term economic interests. As PGGM, we do not dictate how BlackRock should vote for its clients. However, we support this resolution because BlackRock can improve its disclosure related to proxy voting, which would help investors understand better how the company approaches climate risk. BlackRock is a signatory to the Principles of Responsible Investing and has signed the Net Zero Asset Manager (NZAM) commitment. Investors participating in such initiatives are independent fiduciaries responsible for their own voting decisions. They act independently and are not required to vote or engage in a specific way. However, the NZAM commitment asks participants to implement a voting policy consistent with the goal of net zero emissions by 2050, in line with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5C. We believe BlackRock can provide better disclosure on how it determines the alignment of its voting policy with this goal. This disclosure should include an explanation of why its default voting policy is more conservative than many of its peers and proxy advisors. |
VidaCaixa | For | |
BPI Gestão de Ativos - SGOIC, SA | For |
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Any voting recommendations set forth in the descriptions of the resolutions and management proposals included in this database are made by the sponsors of those resolutions and proposals, and do not represent the views of the PRI.
Information on the shareholder resolutions, management proposals and votes in this database have been obtained from sources that are believed to be reliable, but the PRI does not represent that it is accurate, complete, or up-to-date, including information relating to resolutions and management proposals, other signatories’ vote pre-declarations (including voting rationales), or the current status of a resolution or proposal. You should consult companies’ proxy statements for complete information on all matters to be voted on at a meeting.