Resolved clauseRESOLVED: Shareholders urge the Board of Directors of Netflix, Inc. to amend the publicly available Code of Ethics by expanding the topic “Inclusive & Respectful Work Environment” and to issue a report to shareholders, at reasonable expense and excluding confidential information, on how the Board of Directors of Netflix, Inc. checks and verifies board member compliance with the amended Code of Ethics (including outside of their roles as Netflix board members).
Whereas clauseWHEREAS: Netflix is known for their remarkable track record regarding representation, visibility, and empowerment for underrepresented groups in their productions (see findings of the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative1).
Nonetheless, female representation on their board is lower than in other roles (33% in 20232, compared to 49.6% in overall workforce and 51.4% and 43.5% in (senior) leadership - as reported in their 2022 Netflix Environmental Social Governance Report3).
We appreciate that Netflix has updated their publicly disclosed Code of Ethics. However, the most recent version4 still does not cover key issues in sufficient detail that are of particular concern regarding promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) on board level, namely, non-discrimination, equal opportunities, and zero tolerance towards harassment as well as a robust whistleblower protection. Detailed policies are essential to set clear expectations to empower those affected to address concerns.
As a media company, Netflix is facing increased scrutiny regarding the concerns addressed by the #MeToo movement, in particular, sexual abuse or sexual harassment. Renowned media organizations such as the New York Times5, Financial Times6 and Der Spiegel7 reported on allegations against board member Mathias Döpfner about tolerating abusive behavior by a top manager in his role as chairman and CEO of Axel Springer.
Embracing and driving DEI on screen and behind the camera is a key selling point for Netflix. Given the allegations in the media, we fear that having an insufficient Code of Ethics to monitor board members’ compliance could obstruct an environment that allows for DEI to flourish at top level. This may have negative long-term impacts on the culture and reputation of Netflix, and as shareholders, we see risks for Netflix as a brand: from losing credibility and customers, to failing to attract key talent to forfeiting relevant productions by alienating actors, directors, and producers from diverse backgrounds.
Supporting statementSUPPORTING STATEMENT: The amendments of the Code of Ethics of Netflix, Inc. should entail the following:
· details on the grounds of discrimination (e.g., religion, sex, gender identity or expression, age, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, disability or any other characteristic protected under law) and aspects of employment (e.g., recruitment, compensation, demotion or transfer, promotions, and terminations),
· a definition and/or examples of harassment (in terms of what constitutes harassment and abusive behavior), and,
· details on how whistleblowers are protected against retaliation (e.g., in the form of termination, demotion, threats, discrimination and/or harassment) for raising a concern in good faith. 1