Considering Adaptation in Transition Planning

4 members

The Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT) was launched to develop the gold standard for private sector climate transition plans. The TPT Adaptation Working Group have released Building Climate-ready Transition Plans: A primer for preparers and will have a webinar (15 July) to showcase additional materials. 

Collaboration details

Considering Adaptation in Transition Planning: Work of the TPT Adaptation Working Group and implications for finance institutions and businesses 

The Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT) was launched in April 2022 to develop the gold standard for private sector climate transition plans. The Adaptation Working Group was set up in April 2023 to provide advice to the TPT on the appropriate consideration of adaptation and physical resilience in the TPT’s work.

Climate impacts are being felt now, and adaptation is increasingly important alongside net zero efforts to help the financial sector and real economy avoid losses, realise new opportunities and collaborate with Governments to build resilience. Over the last 18 months, the Adaptation Working Group has provided advice to the TPT on integrating these areas into the TPT Disclosure Framework and suite of Sector Guidance. 

In addition, the Working Group has also produced a primer for preparers to help turn this into reality. This webinar will outline how adaptation has been built into the TPTs outputs and showcase the additional materials and guidance provided by the Working Group. It will also offer the opportunity to hear from industry leaders on their take on why adaptation is urgent, and how they are driving efforts in their organisations. 

Primer: Building Climate-ready Transition Plans: A primer for preparers

Register for the 15 July webinar here. 

Created on
ESG theme
  • Environment
ESG sub-theme
  • Climate adaptation
Sustainable Development Goal
  • 13 - Climate action
  • Global
Asset class