Hedge fund footprint allocation
This discussion is to invite likeminded investors to brainstorm for a methodology to allocate emissions of hedge funds. Given that both the GHG protocol and PCAF do not have methodologies for hedge fund emissions allocation, we'd like to brainstorm with other likeminded organizations that are going through the same exercise.
This discussion is to invite likeminded investors to brainstorm for a methodology to allocate emissions of hedge funds. Given that both the GHG protocol and PCAF do not have methodologies for hedge fund emissions allocation, we'd like to brainstorm with other likeminded organizations that are going through the same exercise.
We hope to attract both asset owners that invest in hedge funds and asset managers that manage hedge fund strategies.
Our objective is to come up with a standardized or common methodology of allocating the hedge funds' emissions to ensure fairness, accuracy, and one that makes most sense.
- Environment
- 13 - Climate action
- Global
- Hedge funds